Preparing for the Bar Exam: Tips and Resources for a Successful Outcome

While preparing to take the bar exam may seem quite daunting, we are here to provide some tips to guide you along. Every state has its own test guidelines and dates, so we highly recommend checking out the bar exam requirements and past tests specific for your state to practice accordingly. 


Bar Review Courses

At Ivy Grad Services, we offer specific guidance and courses to help you review for your respective bar exam. These review courses typically consist of lectures, study guides, practice exams, flashcards, and feedback to improve. 

Practice Exams 

At Ivy Grad Services, we have several recommendations to find the right practice exams for you. You can find many free exams on the internet, but they are limited in explaining the answers. Practice exams can be stressful, having Ivy Grad Services on your side to walk you through it and prepare you is a must. 


You can create your own to memorize and better understand vital information and vocabulary needed for the exam. Our consultants help you organize and decipher via your way of learning. 

Study Guides

Yourself and your Ivy Grad Services Consultant can work together to create your own study guides to review leading up to exam day.

Build Community

At Ivy Grad Services, it is a top priority of ours for you to have a team behind you. Building a community of like minded individuals that all have a common goal, will propel you into a successful career. 

Tips to Keep in Mind

Perfect your study schedule early

Your prep is the foundation of preparing for the exam. You need adequate time to review and familiarize yourself with all the material and content. This way, you would not feel overwhelmed and start stuffing yourself with as much information as possible. You will not retain the information and feel at ease when you take the exam. If you need help planning your study schedule, Ivy Grad Services is here to help! 

Be consistent 

You need to remain consistent with your studying habits, goals and consulting meetings. Practice makes perfect, remember why you started, and commit yourself to succeeding. 

Take care of your mind and body

Remember to stay positive and do not compare yourself to your peers. You are at your own pace. You need to sleep and eat adequately as well. Your only competition is yourself. Take breaks for your mental and physical health. 

Ask for help

When things get too overwhelming, remember that your Ivy Grad Services consultant is there to help you. Never be afraid to seek help from your mentor. You are not alone on your journey. 

If you are in search of a consultant to assist you in your law school journey, Ivy Grad Services is here to help!

Ivy Grad Services