Originally from Brooklyn, New York, Ayisha McHugh graduated from Columbia Law School with academic honors and was named a James Kent Scholar. Ayisha is currently a law clerk in the Corporate department of a New York law firm.
Ayisha graduated magna cum laude from Cornell University with a B.S. in Biology and Society from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Before law school, Ayisha participated in the Sponsors for Educational Opportunity (SEO) Law Fellowship Program. During her time at Columbia Law, Ayisha participated in the Mediation Clinic and gained certification to mediate through the New York Peace Institute. As a part of the Mediation Clinic, she worked with the Director of the Mediation Clinic at Columbia Law School to train global ambassadors in Tokyo, Japan, and judges and mediators from the high court of Delhi, India in the fundamental techniques of mediation and the advantages of alternative dispute resolution. Ayisha also served as the president of the Empowering Women of Color student organization at Columbia Law.
While working diligently as a law student at Columbia Law, Ayisha interned with the National Football League, Excel Sports Management and the National Basketball Association.
Ayisha has always valued mentorship and providing support and guidance for prospective students considering graduate school.
“I always sing my praises about Ivy Grad Services to anyone interested in getting a little extra support with constructing a strong law school application. Through thoughtful writing exercises and several conversations narrowing my focus, my consultant, Ayisha, did a phenomenal job helping me reflect on ways that I could translate my personal experiences into a compelling narrative. She used an appropriate balance of challenging me and supporting me throughout the process, and she went out of her way to offer her support to me beyond what I could have expected. Considering that my GPA and LSAT score were low for my dream school, I am convinced that my essays are what helped me stand out to the admissions committee. Ayisha believed in me and didn’t let me get discouraged by my stats. She celebrated all my victories along the way, from the big ones (like finding out I was accepted and offered a significant scholarship to attend my dream school) and small (like celebrating progress I was making on my LSAT journey). For that, I will be forever grateful! ”
“I came to Ayisha for guidance on applying as a 2L transfer to my dream school, and I am so glad I did. Despite the tight transfer timeline, Ayisha was eager to help. Over two weeks, we met almost daily and went through several drafts. Not only were her insights keen and precise, but her tone was always gentle and supportive. She ended up being my biggest cheerleader and advocate throughout the process. When I was not sure what to do, she reminded me that I made it this far and that I was the captain of the ship, and she was here to help me navigate. Her patient yet confident personality and her strong command of the admission process made her the perfect support for me. I will forever be grateful.”
“Ayisha was patient with me along my law school application journey. Her ability to ask key questions that helped me to frame the purpose behind both my personal and diversity statements helped tenfold. Her review process was intricate, she made sure to find any grammatical errors and found places where my writing could benefit from editing and more clarity. I am happy to say that with Ayisha’s help I was accepted into many top law schools throughout the country and will be attending one of my top choices with a 50% tuition scholarship!”
“Ayisha has been an invaluable mentor. I reached out to her 6 months before my law school application process and she was more than willing to meet with me to talk about her law school experiences. She provided advice on how I should prepare my letters of recommendations, my essays, applications to diversity programs like SEO, and more. Come application time, Ayisha reviewed several drafts of my personal and diversity statements. Each time she provided constructive feedback that helped refine the key points I aimed to deliver within the short page limits. She was also there for me during my law school interviews, helping prepare me for the types of questions I may be asked. In sum, I’m grateful for Ayisha’s thoughtfulness and mentorship throughout my path to law school. She’s committed to seeing law school hopefuls succeed in their admissions process. I highly recommend her to anyone who is about to embark on their journey!”
“Ayisha’s advice and help is unmatched and invaluable. I remember when I first sought her help to review my resume and diversity statement for 1L jobs, she immediately said “send it to me and let’s set up a time to meet as soon as possible.” I sent her my materials. She sent feedback. We met. We discussed. She gave her advice, and I listened. Ayisha could have easily just been very passive about giving me advice , but she took the time out of her busy schedule to invest in me. Because of her keen eye to detail, selflessness, and dedication to seeing others succeed, I was successful at receiving many 1L job offers. I am convinced that without her help, none of my successes would have been possible.”
“The structure of the services helped me the most. It allowed me to not procrastinate and stay on track for an early application cycle.”
“I have benefitted incredibly from Ayisha McHugh’s steadfast commitment to seeing others thrive. When I asked for Ayisha’s feedback on my personal statement for law school applications, she was quickly able to glean the vision I had for the piece and provided guidance from the structure to the details to help me realize its final form. Ayisha’s mentorship has ensured that my approach to law school would facilitate holistic success — her advice has ranged from preparing for first-year doctrinal classes, to remaining intentional and focused during job searches, to organizing bar prep resources. Perhaps most poignantly, Ayisha’s guidance is empowering: she has fostered my ability to ask the right questions, pursue distinctive opportunities and ensure that my experiences align with my goals. Ayisha‘s guidance will remain among the first that I seek as I begin my career as an attorney.”
“My experience working with Ivy Grad Services has been incredibly beneficial, and my coach, Ayisha, has provided me with priceless advice throughout the writing process. From brainstorming to revising, her feedback has included both practical tips and strategic writing exercises to help me hone in on the message I’m trying to convey in my writing. Her response time and answers to my questions have also allowed me to remain calm and confident in the law school application process.”
“As someone who is the first in my family to go through the law school application process, Ayisha’s guidance was tremendously helpful. I hesitated reaching out to certain recommenders given the pandemic but Ayisha provided the encouragement I needed. Both of my professors ending up saying that they were happy to write my recommendations. From providing feedback on topics that I could use in my statements to being flexible with my LSAT study schedule, I appreciated the support.”
“I greatly enjoyed with Ayisha McHugh because she was the outside/professional advice that is needed for the application process. For a lot of the law school process, I believe applicants rely on people that they do know, whether that is family or friends, but it is refreshing to have someone you do not personally know react to your story. Ivy Grad Services allows applicants to hear perspective and advice that is similar to what admissions people would probably be thinking as they start to read an application.”